Thursday, 8 October 2009



In English, there are many rules of using capital letters. You probably know many of them already. To remind you, we need to present some important rules of capitalization as below :

- Capitalize the first word of a sentence

Hi! My name is Robby

- Capitalize the pronoun I

John and I are talking about movies

- Capitalize all proper nouns that includes :

- Name of deities : God, Allah

- Name of people and their titles : John Smith, Dr. Brown

(But do not capitalize without a name)

- Names of specific places : Lake Toba, North Pole

- Names of Specific Organizations :

Sears, Rocbuck & Co

Sumitomo Bank

- Titles of compositions, stories, books, poems, movies

Star Wars

Introduction To Writing

Please write a good composition related to your ambition. You also may choose one job title provided below.

  1. Secretary
  2. Sales / marketing
  3. Doctor
  4. Nurse
  5. Receptionist