In English, there are many rules of using capital letters. You probably know many of them already. To remind you, we need to present some important rules of capitalization as below :
Hi! My name is Robby
- Capitalize the pronoun I
John and I are talking about movies
- Capitalize all proper nouns that includes :
- Name of deities : God, Allah
- Name of people and their titles : John Smith, Dr. Brown
(But do not capitalize without a name)
- Names of specific places : Lake Toba, North Pole
- Names of Specific Organizations :
Sears, Rocbuck & Co
Sumitomo Bank
- Titles of compositions, stories, books, poems, movies
Star Wars
Introduction To Writing
Please write a good composition related to your ambition. You also may choose one job title provided below.
- Secretary
- Sales / marketing
- Doctor
- Nurse
- Receptionist