Thursday, 8 October 2009



In English, there are many rules of using capital letters. You probably know many of them already. To remind you, we need to present some important rules of capitalization as below :

- Capitalize the first word of a sentence

Hi! My name is Robby

- Capitalize the pronoun I

John and I are talking about movies

- Capitalize all proper nouns that includes :

- Name of deities : God, Allah

- Name of people and their titles : John Smith, Dr. Brown

(But do not capitalize without a name)

- Names of specific places : Lake Toba, North Pole

- Names of Specific Organizations :

Sears, Rocbuck & Co

Sumitomo Bank

- Titles of compositions, stories, books, poems, movies

Star Wars

Introduction To Writing

Please write a good composition related to your ambition. You also may choose one job title provided below.

  1. Secretary
  2. Sales / marketing
  3. Doctor
  4. Nurse
  5. Receptionist

Meeting And Leave Takings




  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • How nice to see you

  • Hello, Fanny.
  • How are you?

  • How have you been?
  • How are you doing?
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Yes, it’s been quite a while
  • Hello, Suzy
  • Fine, thank you. And you?
  • Pretty good
  • Not bad




  • Good bye
  • God night
  • Good luck
  • See you tomorrow
  • I’ve really got to go

  • Good bye
  • Good night
  • Thank you
  • See you tomorrow
  • Ok. See you

What is the Sphinx?

What is the Sphinx?

The sphinx is a mythical beast which occurred in both ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek mythology. In ancient Egypt, the Sphinx was represented in sculpture lying down, usually with the head of a man and the body and paws of a lion. It symbolised the king of Egypt, the pharaoh, as an incarnation of the sun god Ra. Thousands of Sphinxes were built, the most famous of which is the one at Giza in Egypt, sculpted out of rock.

In Greek myths, the Sphinx was a winged monster with a lion’s lion body but the head and breast of women. In Oedipus legend, the sphinx poses a riddle and kills those who cannot answer. ‘What walks on four feet in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?’ Oedipus answered correctly: ‘Man crawls on all fours as a baby, walks upright in his prime, and uses a stick in his old age’. Hearing this answer, the Sphinx killed herself.